Friday 28 July 2017

Spunky's no good, very bad day

July 28, 2013

Spunky says she is having a very bad week. 
"My bike is not working. I fell down and hurt my knee. I bumped my head on the sink. I miss Mia. (*The dog we had at that time had recently passed away) I broke my hairband. I broke my purse. My mind is not working to make me watch where I go and I keep hurting myself."

Yep. Sounds like a bad week to me.

July 28, 2013

Apparently, Spunky has a "hypothesis". WTF??? I just heard her singing that outside, over and over. Sometimes that kid amazes me. Now I just have to find out what her hypothesis is, and if she even knows what that is! LMAO!

Monday 24 July 2017

More from Sparky in the Peanut Gallery!

July 24, 2016

OMG! Kids! LOL
Sparky suddenly started calling me "Big Gramma".
Spunky: Don't you mean tall Gramma? Gramma is not fat. Only her armpits, and they are just chubby. Not fat.
(I assume she is talking about the bit of flabby skin on my upper arms that I was left with after losing weight and I am trying to work at getting rid of it.)

July 24, 2016

Sparky was running down the hall a while ago kind of half singing, "I wanna be a rock star"
Now she is in the kitchen, putting on a performance and saying, "Ladies and Jigglemen..."

Saturday 22 July 2017

The little moments in life aren't so little...

Sparky: I got some water up my nose in the pool Grandma, but I snotted it out so I'm OK now. LMAO! 

Went with my girls for breakfast. Walking back, Sparky was quite taken with a beautiful white birch tree in someone's yard and decided she wanted to tear off strips of "birthmark"!

Apparently, there is a wedding taking place for one of our neighbours, so people have been coming and going all day.
Sparky just looked out the living room window and said, "Hey, did you know this was people day?"
I asked her what she meant and she said, "There's people outside coming into their house."

What a kid.

Sitting here, slightly drenched, thanks to my girl Sparky. She was away for a couple of days with her Grandma M, and got home a little while ago. She had been running through the garden hose outside while her Daddy washed his Mom's car and watered the plants, and she was really quite wet. She came running in a few minutes ago shouting, "Grandma Ree, I missed you so much," and she wrapped me in a wet sloppy hug.
I love that kid. LOL

Went with the girls to the store for a cool treat after supper last night.
Just before bed, Spunky said to me, "I had so much fun tonight Grandma. I am so lucky to have you for a Grandma. I wish every little kid could have a Grandma like you. You do fun stuff with us even when you worked all day and you're tired and sore."
That actually brought tears to my eyes.
I love my girls so much.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Future Avon lady? Probably not

July 5, 2013

Spunky: Here Grandma. Let me kiss you on the mouth. There, now you have lipstick on. Don't wipe it off, because it's not very good lipstick. It had hair on it.
Ummm...yuck? (And gag!) LOL. What a kid.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

"I try to lose weight, but it keeps finding me."

July 4, 2014

I've been trying to eat healthier for the past few months, but I haven't been as strict with my eating plan for the past couple of weeks. I was sure I had gained weight. So, I bit the bullet and stepped on the scale, expecting to see a 5 lb increase. 
There was a 1 lb loss! 
So, I was rather pleased and excited, and was telling Teffie, when Spunky looked at me with questioning eyes and a puzzled look. 
I said, "Grandma lost a pound of fat."
She patted my belly with her little hand and said, "No you didn't Grandma."

Monday 3 July 2017

Humpty Dumpty sure could dance

July 3, 2016

Sparky is singing Humpty Dumpty. 
Who knew Humpty said, "I can't fly, but I can dance!" LMAO

Friday 30 June 2017

Silver linings on clouds


One more reason why I love this little girl.
Sparky (looking at the sudden downpour of rain): Is it going to thunder?
Me: Maybe. Possibly. I really wish it hadn't started raining. I wanted to do something fun with you guys since I have the day off.
Sparky (little eyes lighting up and all excited): When it stops, we can count rainbows!
Whenever I am feeling down, I will think of Sparky and the fact that a rainy day can be brightened by counting rainbows after the storm. LOL

Spunky's no good, very bad day

July 28, 2013 Spunky says she is having a very bad week.  "My bike is not working. I fell down and hurt my knee. I bumped my head on...